Musim Mas

Addressing Workers’ Complaints/grievances

All employees can file complaints through our whistleblowing procedure, which guarantees anonymity, creating a safe avenue for grievances to be raised without​ fear of reprisal or dismissal. At plantations, workers can​ submit complaints through grievance mechanisms available in and around our operations.

We ensure all employees are made fully aware of grievance-raising channels. We train all workers on our internal grievance procedures and post notices on bulletin boards at all our sites. Employees can submit complaints through suggestion boxes in and around our operations and grievance logbooks at our administrative offices by contacting our Corporate Affairs Department (Hubungan Masyarakat) or through their labour union.



Communicate the complaint/grievance procedure to stakeholders/workers at least once a year.



Assist illiterate parties in submitting their complaints/grievances.



Respect and ensure the anonymity of complainants, human resource departments, community spokespersons and whistleblowers, and to protect all parties conveying complaint/grievances.



Record all complaints/grievances in a complaints/grievance book.



Coordinate with management heads and follow-up on all complaints/grievances submitted within agreed-upon timeframes.



Coordinate with an independent party or mediator regarding a complaint/grievance, if needed.