Musim Mas
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Product Detail

The advantages of purchasing Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Palm Kernel Oil (PKO) from Musim Mas is in our vertical integration that includes extensive logistic offerings, our many certifications, and commitment to sustainability.

Our operations consist of various collection points, processing plants, warehouses, packing facilities, bulking storage installations, and fleets of road tankers, barges, and bulk liquid vessels. Some of these facilities are located at various export-oriented ports.

These infrastructural assets and operations provide reliable and adequate logistic support to our supply chain. By doing this, we aim to achieve full integration, which will enable us to optimize our cost control and help us to provide competitively priced products to our customers.

Our supply chain and operational practices subscribe and adhere strictly to our Group Sustainability Policy.

We produce RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO). This means that our supply of RSPO certified palm oil is traceable “Green” palm oil.

Our plantations are located in Sumatra and Kalimantan, with 16 mills as part of the Group’s production base in Indonesia.

Fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) are collected from our plantations and sent to the mills to be processed into Crude Palm Oil and Palm Kernels (PKs). The PKs are further processed into Palm Kernel Oil at our kernel crushing plants. We also crush Copra (Coconut Kernel) into Coconut Oil at our Sulawesi plant. Value-adding to the supply chain, we source various grades of raw materials from third-party suppliers in Malaysia and Indonesia for our processing plants.

Our processing plants have achieved various safety and good practice certifications like HAACP and GMP. We have implemented various processes that ensure quality production that meets stringent food safety requirements and eradication of contaminants. We are regularly upgrading these processes to ensure improvements to meet market requirements.

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