Musim Mas

No Deforestation

Our sustainability strategy, in line with the New York Declaration on Forests, guides our No Deforestation targets outlined in the NDPE Roadmap. Since November 2005, we do not develop primary forests or areas with High Conservation Value (HCVs), implementing HCV identification, conservation, and monitoring across all existing operations.

For responsible land development, we adhere to the RSPO New Planting Procedure (NPP) which applies to all new plantings since 1st January 2010. The NPP is implemented through various comprehensive assessments, including Social and Environmental Impact Assessments (SEIA); High Conservation Value – High Carbon Stock Approach (HCV-HCSA) assessments; Free, Prior, Informed and Consent (FPIC); Land Use Change Analyses (LUCA); soil suitability and topographic surveys; and greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments.

Our commitment extends to biodiversity conservation, specifically Rare, Threatened, and Endangered (RTE) species. Musim Mas conducts regular and comprehensive biodiversity surveys in and around our concession areas. Leading our industry, we responsibly source over 85% of crude palm oil from upstream suppliers. Expanding the NDPE Roadmap, we actively engage with suppliers, aiming for a fully verified deforestation-free supply chain by 2025. Supported by consultant Earthqualizer, we monitor third-party supplier concessions and collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure wider commitment to implementation and conservation activities.

No Peat

Musim Mas does not conduct any new plantings on peatlands, regardless of depth. There have been no new plantings on peat areas since 1 January 2008 at any company under the Musim Mas Group management.

For our existing plantations on peat, we are committed to applying best management practices in accordance with Indonesian regulations and as required by other sustainability requirements. We have developed a network of water control structures to regulate water levels and maintain water tables according to these best management practices and regulations. We conduct appropriate drainability assessments prior to replanting to determine the long-term viability of the drainage.

Musim Mas is working with the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry [Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK)] to evaluate our existing plantings on peat and identify critical areas for restoration. We have mapped our peatland plantings’ topography, hydro-topography, peat depth, water management systems, and water level monitoring plots. These maps have been submitted to KLHK.