Musim Mas

Indonesia – PT. Wira Inno Mas (WIM) activated its contingency plan in response to a leakage incident in Teluk Bayur off Padang in West Sumatra, Indonesia.

The spill of Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (PFAD) was first discovered by an employee on Thursday, 28 September 2017 at 10.00am upon hearing a distinct bursting sound from the storage tank area, a mere 24 minutes after completing a routine check of the storage facility.

A leak was identified in one tank containing 750 tonnes of PFAD (less than half of its 3,000-tonne capacity). The incident was immediately reported and the emergency contingency plan involving all relevant sections was activated.

As an immediate first response, the remaining 500 tonnes of PFAD was transferred to a different tank without causing further leakage, and the ditch closed off with sand. The company was able to contain and localise some 200 tonnes of spilled PFAD within the bund wall. Oil booms were deployed by WIM workers to contain the spread of the PFAD to the surrounding waters. At the same time, 16 small vessels were hired to lead an approximate 30 tonnes of PFAD to a nearby litter pond for containment and collection. The company is in the midst of collecting the remaining PFAD (approximately 20 tonnes) from the waters.

In relation to PFADs, the properties are such that it is semi-solid at temperatures below 50 degrees, and is less dense than seawater, hence enabling solidified PFAD to visibly float above the sea surface. These unique properties have enabled the swift cleaning up of the affected waters.

WIM will continue with the exigent clean-up of affected waters, and look into monitoring the quality of sea water as well as to ensure minimal impact to the marine life in the area.

For more information please contact:

Carolyn Lim
Corporate Communications
+65 6576 4770