Musim Mas

Joint Statement – Musim Mas and PT Pati Sari

Musim Mas and PT Pati Sari remain committed to sustainability and Smallholders

This joint statement is in response to the 11th November 2014 report issued by Rainforest Action Network (RAN), entitled “The Last Place on Earth -Exposing the threats to the Leuser Ecosystem, a global diversity hot spot deserving protection.”

PT Pati Sari is committed to the production of sustainable Palm Oil . It adheres to all the Indonesian laws and regulations, especially the environmental and sustainability aspects. Additionally, given that PT Pati Sari supplies to a series of high-profile companies with a commitment to No-Deforestation, it remains committed to a high standard of operational practices that address environmental and social concerns, including responsible sourcing from Smallholders .

PT Pati Sari is investigating the FFB supply from PT Mestika Prima Lestari Indah (MPLI) which constitute
about 5% of its total FFB supply chain. The remaining 95% contain a lot of smallholder FFB.

Smallholders in Indonesia are one of the biggest economic beneficiaries of oil palm development; a halt in sourcing from PT Pati Sari will severely impact the livelihood of these small farmers.

Both Musim Mas and PT Pati Sari will work together to address this risk in their supply chain and engage RAN on how best to address the concerns. Our engagement with Pati Sari can be found here.

For our latest progress on Pati Sari, please click here.

Please refer to the signed document here.