Musim Mas

Singapore – The Musim Mas Group (“Musim Mas” or “The Group”) would like to provide an update on the sustainability progress of the Korindo Group, which the Group has been in engagement with since late 2016.

Musim Mas has been working with a variety of stakeholders, in particular, its suppliers, on the NDPE policy and its implementation.

The Group has been engaging with Korindo on the implementation of an NDPE policy, with a strict controlled-purchase mechanism to motivate them in their transformation. Since the initial engagement, Korindo issued their first moratorium on land development in August 2016, published a sustainability policy in October 2016, and announced their second moratorium in December 2016.

Korindo’s moratorium is important steps in its commitment to the principles of NDPE , which are critical in the process of conducting HCV /HCS studies and multi-stakeholder engagement.

The Group is seeking verification from Korindo on the recent reports by various stakeholders on continuing activities in the field. It is important for Korindo to continue to meet its commitments and uphold the moratoriums.

As part of the Group’s transformation initiative, Musim Mas will continue to engage, encourage, monitor and follow up on the discussion with Korindo, making sure that there will be genuine and meaningful progress in Korindo’s sustainability practices.

Musim Mas will provide further updates on the Group’s engagement with Korindo.

For more information, please contact: 

Carolyn Lim
Corporate Communications
+65 6576 6500