Musim Mas

By Devane Sharma

The Year 2020 and the Surge in Pandemic-Driven Home Bakers

It wasn’t too long ago when the onset of the COVID-19 became a pandemic, and many regions around the world imposed wide-scale lockdowns. That period saw the rise of home bakers motivated to take up bread-making as a hobby with their extended time at home.

Among other bread trends that emerged from this time, sourdough bread grew in popularity. Apart from sourdough not requiring yeast which was often in short supply at retail stores during the time, sourdough gained popularity for its perceived healthiness as it tends to have a lower glycemic index (GI) than regular white bread.

A Growing Demand for Frozen Breads in the Year 2022

As social restrictions ease in most parts of the world and people return to their workplaces more regularly, consumers who were cooking and baking more during the pandemic are purchasing products to make cooking more convenient while also being health-conscious.

An interesting trend to watch is the rise in demand for frozen bread. The global frozen bread market is expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 4.3% from 2020 to 20251. The demand for this product category isn’t only from end-consumers but also retail stores and restaurants, given its cost-effectiveness and the flexibility it offers towards being able to serve freshly baked bread on demand. Frozen bread can also meet dietary needs like gluten-free, plant-based or vegan, and high-fiber.

Frozen Bread Categories

Broadly, frozen bread retail consists of two product types: ready-to-bake and fully-baked varieties. Ready-to-bake bread is frozen industrially. Consumers then thaw and bake on their end. This method is typically used for baguettes, pastries, and croissants. Fully-baked sorts are already baked and frozen industrially. Consumers only need to thaw and reheat if desired, used for bagels and cookies.

Apart from flour, sugar, and bakery improvers like enzymes, a key ingredient for such bread are fats such as emulsifiers and specialty fats. The fats used play a vital role in maintaining desired physical characteristics when frozen and reheated.

Are Frozen Breads Healthy?

Frozen bread does not necessarily differ in nutritional value compared to bread bought already baked at bakeries. A 2007 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that frozen bread resulted in a favorable glycemic response compared to fresh bread2. Frozen bread may also potentially contain fewer preservatives needed to keep fresh bread longer.

Enabling Innovation in Frozen Bread Production

The growing frozen-bread market presents an opportunity for food producers. The use of the right functional ingredients formulation can improve breads by providing a robust dough with good gluten network.

This results in bread with more volume and strength in the end-product, which is more desirable for consumers. Emulsifier and specialty fat formulations can help food producers develop a wide variety of bread types, from baguettes, pizzas, and croissants, to steam buns and rolls.

As a vertically-integrated company offering palm oil derivatives, Musim Mas is a one-stop for innovative blends of emulsifiers and specialty fats that enable food producers to innovate in developing a line-up of frozen bread. Our MASEMUL® emulsifier and GOLDSHORT® specialty fat range are naturally GMO-free, trans-fat-free, and plant-based.

We are also able to meet sustainability certification needs. Having been part of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2004 and the first palm oil major to be verified by the more stringent standards of the Palm Oil Innovation Group in 2019, Musim Mas also prides itself on sustainability.

To enable R&D innovation, the Novel IDEAS Center was established in Singapore to co-create successful solutions with food producers to promote R&D innovation. With our expertise in fat applications, we aid food producers in improving existing formulations and support new product development.

To find out more, click here to contact us or email us at for our specialists to assist you. Read more about our products at this link.


