Click below for more details of the respective projects
Earthworm Foundation’s Aceh Landscape Program
Engaging independent smallholders and third-party suppliers
IDH’s Verified Sourcing Area (VSA) Project
Integrated HCV-HCSA Landscape Level Assessment
Radar Alert for Deforestation Detection (RADD)
Smallholders Hub in Aceh Tamiang (as part of IDH’s VSA project)
Yayasan Inisiatif Dagang Hijau (IDH), FKL, PepsiCo, Musim Mas, Unilever, and the Government of Aceh
In October 2020, we established a Smallholders Hub in Aceh Tamiang, where we would share our expertise with engaging third-party suppliers and independent smallholders.
The Smallholders Hub is part of the Verified Sourcing Area (VSA), an initiative of IDH or The Sustainable Trade Initiative, and a partnership under the Production-Protection-Inclusion (PPI) Compact.
The Aceh Tamiang Government has been instrumental in the project by providing support and establishing the Pusat Unggulan Perkebunan Lestari (PUPL) or Center of Excellence to ensure a smooth interface between the Government, private industries, smallholders, NGOs, and other stakeholders. Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL), or the Leuser Conservation Forum, has also been supporting the project and assisting with planning and implementation activities such as monitoring and patrolling the Leuser Ecosystem. The support from consumer goods companies, such as PepsiCo and Unilever, has helped advance the project.
This enabling environment bridges supply chains and sourcing areas while addressing the ongoing deforestation and peatland conversion issues.