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Nestlé, Musim Mas and AAK
In September 2021, Musim Mas, AAK, and Nestlé announced a partnership to address deforestation outside plantation concession areas in Subulussalam, Aceh.
AAK and Nestlé pledged to fund the first two years of the five-year program, reaching out to approximately 1,000 oil palm independent smallholders within two years and enrolling them in Musim Mas’ smallholder’s program supported by a Smallholders Hub. In 2023, both AAK and Nestlé signed on to fund a 3rd year of this program to engage more independent smallholders.
The Smallholders Hub provides advanced training to village extension officers (VEOs) on good agricultural practices and NDPE (No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation). The officers will then train and upskill oil palm smallholders in their assigned areas. This is Musim Mas’ third Smallholders Hub in Aceh province, in line with their Aceh strategy. Our partnership agreement with AAK and Nestlé required us to engage 40 VEOs. As of December 2022, 117 VEOs have received training.