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May 2017 Rainforest Foundation Norway and Aidenvironment report titled, “Nordic investments in banks financing Indonesian Palm Oil”. The report highlighted that Samora Usaha Jaya (SUJ) was developing new canals and conducting new planting activities in areas targeted for restoration by the BRG.
August 2017 We are not buying from the mill in South Sumatra and currently have no supply chain link with PT Samora Usaha Jaya (SUJ).

TBL has conveyed that its operations have been legally compliant and that it has explained itself to the Ministry of Environment and forestry on their activities in December 2016.

At the same time, we will follow up on the dialogue with TBL on PT SUJ regarding the outcome of the soil survey and their engagement with the government’s Peat Restoration Agency (BRG).

December 2017 Greenpeace report titled, “Deforestation case studies” was sent directly to us via email.

The report alleged deforestation of 4,100 hectares of forest, mostly peatlands between August 2015 and October 2017 by PT Samora Usaha Jaya (PT SUJ) in South Sumatera.

March 2018
Chain Reaction Research article titled, “Tunas Baru Lampung: Contested land and peat clearing could drive substantial value loss” which alleged SUJ of deforesting and converting peat.
TBL issued a statement refuting the allegations in the Chain Reaction Research article, stating that the article contains inaccuracies.
April 2018

We met with the management team to seek clarifications on points raised in the Chain Reaction Research report from March 2018.
The management team clarified on the points raised in the Chain Reaction Research report, as reflected in the statement published in March 2018.
July 2018 Our last purchase was in July 2018.
September 2018 19 September 2018:

Since then, Greenpeace published a report titled, “Final Countdown: Now or Never to Reform the Palm Oil Industry“.

The report mentioned that between 26 June 2015 – 30 March 2018, SUJ cleared some 5,535 hectares of forest, including peatland forest.

As our last purchase date was in July 2018, we consider the case close.