Musim Mas
Date Progress
November 2017
17 November 2017:

Mighty Earth RRR1 alleged Purchase of Fresh Fruit Bunches by Tantahan Panduhup Asi (TPA) from Kahayan Agro Plantation (KAP) which has alleged deforestation and social conflict issues. (please refer to separate updates on Anglo Eastern Plantations (AEP) – Kahayan Agro Plantation (KAP) from our grievance list here)

We sent an email to STA to express concern related to the mention of STA’s purported purchase of FFBs from PT KAP. We will be following up accordingly with STA on this.
February 2018 We engaged with the management team of STA on the sustainability issues and the allegations raised in the report.

STA confirmed and clarified that Tantahan Panduhup Asi has never bought any FFB from Kahayan Agro Plantation (KAP).

Based on the above statement we consider the Mighty Earth Report 1 case is resolved.