Musim Mas
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PT Agrowiratama is a subsidiary of the Musim Mas Group (under Musim Mas Holdings Pte Ltd). We have been a member of RSPO since 2004 and our Group was the first from Indonesia to join the RSPO.

Date Progress
March 2021 Tim Advokasi Dewan Pengurus Pusat Komite Nasional Permuda Indonesia (DPP KNPI) submitted a case to the RSPO on 27 January 2021, on behalf of four Datuak (Batuah, Bonsu, Sati and Malenggang) of the customary community in Muara Kiawai, Pasaman Barat against Musim Mas Holdings Pte Ltd.

DPP KNPI alleged that PT Agrowiratama is operating in a protected forest area without having a license from the Ministry of Forestry and operating without a Land Use Title (HGU).

15 March 2021:

The RSPO Complaints Panel has formally accepted the complaint. Access to the relevant case tracker on the RSPO Complaints website can be found here.

23 March 2021:

We received an email from RSPO’s Grievance Manager on 23 March 2021, to inform us that an initial diagnosis has been performed and the complaint has been officially accepted by the Complaints Panel on 15 March 2021. A request for an official company’s response was made to opt for a Bilateral Engagement or the DSF mediation process.

April 2021 We sent our official response to the RSPO Complaints Desk with a formal letter requesting for an adjournment of the Complaint’s decision. We reiterated that the lawsuit process is on-going and any interim actions by the RSPO Complaints Panel might cause conflicting decisions and outcomes.

RSPO Complaints Panel agreed to adjourn the Complaints pending the court’s decision. They requested that Musim Mas informs the Secretariat of the progress of the ongoing court case on a monthly basis.

May 2021
RSPO stated on their case tracker that the case has been adjourned and is pending the outcome of the court’s decision.

We submitted our first monthly report of the ongoing lawsuit’s progress to RSPO to update the Complaints Panel.

June 2021
We submitted our June 2021 report of the court case’s progress to the Secretariat to update the Complaints Panel.
August 2021 Pasaman Barat High Court decided that the complaint is outside their jurisdiction. The complainant is preparing to file an appeal to the State Administrative Court.
September 2021 – March 2022
The case has been adjourned due to pending further information from the Complainant with regards to the court process. In March, Complainant confirms that there is no ongoing legal or Court process related to this Complaint. The Secretariat and Complaints Panel is deliberating on the case.
June 2022
The RSPO Secretariat revoked the adjournment of the complaint. The Respondent has furnished the Secretariat with their formal response regarding the complaint case.
July – October 2022 The Secretariat is scheduling for a separate meetings with both parties. In parallel, they are compiling all the responses and feedback from parties to be submitted to the Complaints Panel for deliberation.
November 2022 The Secretariat had a meeting with both parties of the Complaint in Padang on 21 November 2022.
January – February 2023
The Complaints Panel has closed the investigation period, and the Secretariat is in the midst of preparing a Briefing Note.
March – April 2023 A new case manager has been assigned to the Complaint and the drafting of the Briefing Note is in progress.
May 2023 The Secretariat has furnished the Briefing Note to the CP on 30 May 2023 for the CP’s consideration.

The CP has directed the Secretariat to re-examine the provided case documents and facts pertaining to the Complaint along with the applicable Indonesian laws and regulations.

June 2023 The Secretariat held meetings with us to clarify factual matters pertaining to Agrowiratama’s land status.

We have provided the Secretariat with additional documents in that regard.

The Secretariat is in the midst of reviewing our additional documents and will prepare a new Briefing Note and submit the same to the CP for deliberations.

July 2023 The CP members have endorsed the Secretariat’s Briefing Note and have come to a decision.

The Secretariat will prepare a draft decision letter and furnish the same to the CP for their consideration.

August 2023 29 August 2023

CP’s decision letter has been furnished to both parties.

The expiry of the submission of appeal is on 21 November 2023.

November 2023 22 November 2023

The appeal submission period has expired. The Complaint is formally closed.