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December 2022 08 December 2022

RAN article titled “Notorious Rainforest Destroyer Caught Taking Palm Oil To Global Market” highlights the deforestation case of PT Nia Yulided Bersaudara (PT NYB) which was detected to have continued through October 2022.

RAN identified that FFB from PT NYB had entered PT Bumi Sama Ganda (PT BSG) supply chain through RAM UD Makmur Jaya.

PT NYB has been in our No Buy List since 2019. The List had been distributed to our Aceh suppliers including PT BSG since 2020 when they entered our supply chain.

16 December 2022
We have reached out to PT BSG, which clarified that the reported agent (RAM UD Makmur Jaya) is not a direct FFB supplier of PT BSG, but a sub-agent of their direct supplier namely Pengumpul TW.

According to PT BSG, FFB from PT NYB was able to enter the supply chain due to the changes in PT BSG site team. The FFB delivery from RAM UD Makmur Jaya lasted for two weeks. PT BSG last supply from RAM UD Makmur Jaya was on 14th November 2022.

Based on the above action taken by PT BSG, we view PT NYB is no longer linked to PT BSG’s supply chain. Therefore, we consider the case is resolved.